
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year (now go for a run!)

One of these days I'll be able to use emojis when I'm on my laptop and not just on my phone. I may be a bit obsessed with them. That being said, HAPPY 2016!!! -throws confetti- Yeah, sure, it's been 2016 for almost a week now. But this is my first post of the year, so y'all can deal with it.

Of course, with a new year come millions of resolutions and goals. I prefer using the term goals because that implies an actual endgame, rather than just resolving to do something. Maybe it's just me, but that sounds like you're allowing yourself an out, right? It's probably just me. Anyway, I've got some great goals for the year, which I will outline at a later date (that's my goal, hehe), but right now I want to talk about something that I started doing last October that I never, ever, EVER thought I would do in a million years. Really. And I'm talking about it because I think you should do it too.

I started running.



Bookworm, Netflix lover, would-rather-be-gaming, me.

I started running.

 I had been trying to start up a 5K training program for almost two years, thinking there was a possibility that I would enjoy it, but none of the apps that I downloaded on my phone, nor any charts, kept me focused enough. I became discouraged. Until I discovered Zombies, Run! in the App Store. A story-based running game?! Also, it's British?! Sign me up! But the initial missions were too hard for a beginner like me, so I had to quit again. But they soon released a 5K training program as a separate app, and I dawdled way too long, but I finally began it at the end of October 2015. It has changed my life. I can run. You have no idea just how amazing that feels.

The health benefits of running are touted by runners (and the media) everywhere, but it's easy to be skeptical of "those healthy runner types" until you try it for yourself. I struggle with mental clarity and a decent sleep schedule, but on the days that I run (and the weeks that I make sure to run more than a couple times), my body feels incredible. My legs are stronger, my breathing has gotten better (seriously I was asthmatic in a bad way and now I really think I've totally kicked it), I have more focus, and being out for a run clears my head and makes me actually happy.

So this app has changed my life, because I get a really awesome zombie apocalypse story, along with my own music integrated in (best playlist so far is My Chemical Romance), and as of posting this, I've got five days of training left and then I can officially start the missions. Seriously, you get to pick up items and run from zombies and build up a base, all while working out! Note, it's not free, but it's the best app I have paid for, hands down.

It's my goal to run/walk 1000 miles this year as a part of a challenge I'm doing called The ONE Challenge. I got off to a slow start, but here's to an awesome year of running. Anybody else want to start up their own running practice? Join me on this challenge, even if you just walk it? We're less than a week into the year, you've got time to begin!