
Friday, December 18, 2015

Five Things Friday: Star Wars

It's Friiiiiday! Not that it makes any difference to me since I work from home, and not all that much yet at that. But I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens last night and the hype is still strong with this one. Apologies for the terrible reference. I'm also on Day Four Without Coffee and it's a miracle I'm still alive. I kid, I kid. But it was a necessary move, because my anxiety was through the ROOF and I think my caffeine intake was not helping. (I'm not giving it up forever though, that's just not plausible.) I've felt like a new person these past few days, let me tell you that. Of course, that might be the Star Wars talking since I did watch all six movies on Wednesday and Thursday before going to the theater.
Always did love this guy. <3

One week till Christmas Day and I still don't have a tree. That's more because we added a second couch to the living room and now have no room for a tree but actually have seating space for people so I suppose that's okay. Right? I've never had a Christmas without a tree. Well we do have one; it's a Green Bay Packers tree that stays up all year but hey, we will make that one count because then I feel better.

Sigh, all that being said, it's time for me to share five links that I love and/or just discovered and that I think you'll enjoy too. This week's theme is Star Wars because obviously. Everyone's hashtagging #forcefriday everywhere so I'll join in the fun. (I already did on Instagram, so there's that.)

1. Star Wars original trilogy, as done by Bad Lip Reading. These are absolutely hilarious and you should go watch them right now. I cried, I was laughing so hard.

2. Her Universe. For all the nerdy ladies in your life, even if that's just you. I have a bunch of older stuff from Her Universe, mostly Doctor Who related, but if I had all the money I would get literally everything on the site. It's that cool.

3. If you haven't already done it, go to Google and type in "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" for some legit awesomeness.

4. Epic Rap Battles of History: Deadpool vs. Boba Fett. Language warning, but it's hilarious and you should watch it, particularly if you're also a comics fan.

5. Feel like discussing the new movie over drinks with your fellow fans? Drink Lab has you covered with their crazy list of Star Wars themed cocktails. Someone try a Bantha Milk Cocktail and report back to me, mmkay?

There you have it. Got any other fun Star Wars finds to add to this list? Happy #forcefriday everyone!!

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