
Tuesday, June 23, 2015


A clean slate is a beautiful thing. A rebirth, if you will. We all change as we grow, and yet there is so much of us that stays the same. In today's world, everyone expects you to have your own personal brand, or perhaps to fit into theirs. But guess what? We each are our own person, and we each have our own unique personality that makes us us. And what makes us us isn't something that can be fixed, cured, or medicated.

You being you is incurable. You may change within the framework of yourself, but you're still you. We are made unique; that's one of the reasons being human is such an adventure.

I struggled for the longest time to accept me for me. I would try to fit into a mold that I saw and liked; it never went well. It's too easy to jump from one mold/ideal to the next and pretty soon all you end up with is nothing and you're a shell of the person you once were. That sounds drastic, but it can happen all too easily. I didn't want that to happen to me; thank God I caught it in time.

Before you worry (especially any family members and friends reading this!), I'm totally good. I'm okay. I'm more than okay. But the time came for me to finally stand up and remember that I don't have to be anyone else, or be anyone else's absolute cookie cutter ideal.

I'm me, Elisabeth, incurably so. If you don't like it, that's too bad.
Welcome to my world.

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