
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer has arrived

Aloha, lovelies! It's been a busy, busy, busy few weeks for us around here, thus the lack of updates. Holidays, friends visiting from out-of-state, strawberry picking and jam making, going to Lake Michigan, getting my first tattoo, and enjoying some *actual* summer weather. How is everyone enjoying their summer?

I promise there will be more recipes and other fun stuff to come this summer, though the posts may be sparse as the day of my sister's wedding draws closer!

vegan pineapple salsa w/homemade chips

kombucha is the best

walking the dunes

Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan again


best pie recipe ever

Wisconsin tradition

loved picking strawberries

mmmmm jam

Finally got a tattoo!!

learned how to make sushi at home <3

boating on Lake Michigan

looking to shore

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